Monday, June 28, 2010

Hello everyone. So taking a few suggestions I have changed the design of my blog. I hope this one is easier to read, I think it is a pretty cute background. So here I am sitting at my desk in my room typing away as I hear my neighbors from across the way singing "Jingle Bells" quite loudly with their whiny crying little boy. Now you all know that I love kids, but this kid cries all the time and he is quite spoiled it sounds like. Since I have never met the little boy I can't say whether or not he is spoiled. What I can say though is that he yells and screams for things and his parents always give him what he screams for.

Moving on I would like to tell you about something pretty cool that happened at work today.......Jacob from LOST was there waiting to read for a new show. It was funny because he looked just like a normal guy (a really attractive normal guy) applying for a job essentially. Ha, that even looks funny typed out! We just moved to a new building for work and it is a building that also houses some shows of J.J. Abram's post production, which I have to admit is pretty cool! ALSO, ALSO Larry David works out of the building for Curb Your Enthusiasm!!!! Needless to say I am a bit excited to possibly run into some people.....What's funny is that I live in LA and I am terrible with actor's names, so I see a lot of actors and most of the time I'll say something like; "Hey that's that girl from that movie or that show with that other guy, you know the one on FOX, I think." Ha!

There is one person that I met that I actually talked to and didn't know his real name until I got to work. Some of you may know this story, but not all of you do so here it is. I was only out here for about a month, and I still didn't have my car so I was taking the bus (the buses are a whole other story!!!) so I was waiting for the bus and I had realized that I had about a half hour more to wait so I went to the Coffee Bean for a coffee. Once I walked in I was met with a huge line, and at first I thought I would just leave but I said eh what the hell I have a half hour!

There I was waiting in this line when I realized the man in front of me was tall, with dirty blond hair, and was very well built, in other words I thought he was a good looking guy. Once I thought that I giggled a little to myself realizing that I had decided this man in front of me was attractive and I didn't even see the front of him! So I moved out of line a little and glanced around so that I could catch a glimpse of him, well I did and I immediately got back in my place and thought Holy crap that's an actor, that's that guy! Oh god what is his name?? What is it, what is it, what is it??? Ahhhh think, think. Now as I am thinking all of this we are moving closer to the counter.

Just as I was in the middle of a total mind search, he turned around and looked at something behind me up against the wall and I knew it, I knew for sure he was the guy I was thinking, then all of his character's in his movies came flooding into my brain! Thank You for Smoking, No Reservations, and THE BIG ONE!!!! THE DARK KNIGHT! It was friggin Harvey Dent...Two Face...standing right there in front of me, but what is his real name!!?? Ok at this point there was like two or three people in front of him and I decided that it was now or never. So, I went in and I did it. I leaned in and I said: Excuse me, but you played a great Two Face Mr. Dent. He turned around, looked at me for a second and this big smile came across his face and he said: Uh thanks I immediately started giggling and said: You're welcome.

Now this part is the best! He said: So are you here for school? (We were about a half a block away from UCLA) I said all with a HUGE smile: No, I work out here, giggle, giggle. He said: Oh ok, so where are you from, I hear an accent. Me with a bigger smile and while giggling: Uh I'm from Chicago. Him: Oh, that's a great city (with a cute smile at the end) Me: Giggle, Yeah, the best city! giggle, giggle. (At this point I am totally freaking out because I can't believe he is having a conversation with me!!!) So he smiles at me after my answer and he is now the next person to order. He asks me: So are you getting a coffee?

Here is where I wish I had said something funny to really make him laugh like "No, I'm gonna get a cheeseburger" But I didn't I said still huge smile and while giggling: Uh yeah uhuh. He said: Well let me get it for you because that was the best way anybody ever approached me. Me totally stunned: Oh uh you don't have to. Him: Yeah no problem, what would you like? Me: Uh cafe Mocha? So he gets OUR coffees and hands me mine and says: Here you go, hope you have a good day and that LA treats you well (wink) Me: Giggle, giggle, thank you, thank you very much.

At this point people in the Coffee Bean were noticing who he was and looking and smiling and whispering and I swear I heard this (though it could have been all in my head) but somebody said, "Who is she?!" Ha! Who am I? I loved it! I was standing there near the entrance just frozen from what had happened with this huge dorky smile across my face!

I am convinced that when he got to wherever he was going next he told his people that he spoke with and bought a coffee for the sweetest little "special needs" girl he had ever met. The most ridiculous part of this was that even after it all I didn't know his real name!!! I had to look him up on IMDB the minute I got to work to find out it was Aaron Eckhart! I of course told everyone at work the story and they were all basically saying that happens a lot out here. Crazy!

So what's the moral of the story? Say hi, tell them you dig their movies or their show, because guess what? They wouldn't be famous or huge if it weren't for us, their fans! Now this doesn't mean I think you should stalk them or interrupt them if they are on their phone or in the middle of eating, but if they are in a line to get a coffee by all means, lean in ;-)


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Today I would like to chat about a funny little picture I saw in an office at work. The picture was a split of two switch boards, one of them had only one switch labeled on/off and the other board was covered with button, switches, knobs, and lights. What caught my eye was that the picture with only one switch was labeled Men and the picture that was covered with buttons, switches, knobs, and lights was labeled Women. Now, my very first reaction was hey! That's a bit much. Then I thought, now come on it definitely takes more then one thing to turn a man on or off. My last thought was ok, there is no way a woman needs that much! I discussed it in the office with the guy who's office it was and two other guys that I work with. I was quickly met by all the guys saying "Yes, it is just that easy to turn us on, and it is just that difficult to turn you women on. I was even told, hey I'm turned on right now! Then another guy said a girl can be naked and holding a sandwich and I'm totally turned on. Ha....I quickly thought for a second of a naked man with a sandwich and was pretty much turned completely off in fact! Ha!

So, the reason why I am bringing this up is that I was adamant about the picture depicting men and women a bit harshly, but as the day went on I thought well, maybe it really isn't that wrong. Since the answers the guys gave me were pretty straight forward and when I thought of what would turn me on or women in general I started to realize it did take a bit more then being naked and holding a sandwich.

Well, it wasn't until I got back to my apartment and turned on the TV while I was cooking for some background noise that I really took notice to how much this message is out there in the world. This message that women need, or want soooo much, it's something that really bothers me because sure as my brother once told me "guy's are simple and easy Mish, you girls are the difficult ones. We don't over think and analyze situations, you do" ( Now please before you go thinking that my brother is a jerk for saying it like that, he isn't, he is actually soo fricken right! and also to defend him I asked his opinion, he didn't just throw that out there at me. )

So anyway back to the apartment, I had my TV on in the background while I was cooking and as I walked into the living room there was this Axe Body Spray commercial on that always made me giggle. Well tonight as I watched it I was not giggling, no in fact I was a bit stung by the message it sent out and it made me realize why there are pictures like the one in the office floating around and other little jabs about men and women. Ok I am sure you want to know what this commercial is, so here it is for you to check it out yourself, I'm pretty sure a few of you have seen it already, but enjoy.

Now, I don't want you to think that I am some raging feminist and am totally against this commercial, because that is not what I am trying to get across. I am just trying to say that maybe guys need to be more like my brother and tell girls hey, listen here is what I want. Now tell me what you want. Neither man nor woman are mind readers, so until we start speaking up and saying what is on our minds then we will really be that switch board with a million switches, and it will only be our fault.

Ok so I realize that this entry may ruffle some feathers or it may make some people laugh, to be honest with you I am looking to do both. I would like to see if people agree with me or disagree with me on these new thoughts of mine, because that is what this truly all is; new thoughts and ideas that have sparked some interest to me. I still don't totally believe that women have all the switches and guys have only one, I think that the men have a few at least, and my last point that I would like to make is that we are all different! There is not a single person on this planet that shares the EXACT same wants and needs in anything.


Friday, June 25, 2010

So here is what I did today while I was at work....I bought my tickets to the 12:01 A.M. screening Of The Twilight Saga's, Eclipse! Now before you go judging me which I am sure you are already doing, I don't care! Yeah that's right I don't. I am not defending myself to anyone! I am a 27 year old woman who is totally in love with The Twilight Saga. There I said it, but you should know that the love started all because of my best friend Dina.

Here is how it all started...Dina: Hey Michelle you have to come see the movie Twilight with me, I've read the books and they're great and I've already seen the movie and think you'll like it. Me: Oh yeah, I heard about that movie. You mean it was a book first? Dina: Yes there are four books and they're great and you should read them. Wait you really didn't know they were books?! Man don't you ever read?! Me: No, I don't really read, but you know that, so this movie? It's about vampires right? Ok, sounds good.

Wow, I had no idea what this little independent movie was going to do to me. We saw it in the afternoon and then I had to go to work at my families restaurant, I was totally in the clouds all night thinking about the amazing movie and how I couldn't wait to read the books. I went out the very next day and bought the first two. I read Twilight in about a month and then New Moon in two weeks, quickly followed by Eclipse which was probably another two to three weeks. I like to take time reading and really getting into the characters and get to the point where all I can do is stay up till 4am (that happened a few times while I was reading) to finish a few more chapters. Now you may be asking yourself I thought she said there were four books. Yes, you are correct there are four books the only thing is I can't finish the last one. I know what the hell am I talking about "I can't finish it" I'm not too sure why, but I think it is because I am actually sad to end the story of Edward and Bella. Ok, Now I am sure that you are all judging me and thinking I'm crazy, and you're right I am but so what. Everyone has an obsession with something that is a little crazy or silly, I am just owning mine and sharing it proudly :-)

I will say this, I'll for sure finish Breaking Dawn (the fourth book) before I see the movie ;-) I have heard there may be two films shot for the final book which means I have tons of time!

I would like to go back to me at work buying the ticket. Ok so there I was, sitting at my desk working when it struck is already the 25th and I hadn't bought my ticket yet! So I immediately went onto AMC's website to buy my ticket, while I was looking for a screening I came upon "The triple feature package" Oh yes, that's right I could spend $30 and go see Twilight, New Moon, and the Eclipse! That would put me in the theater for a total of 7 hours and 50 minutes! I have to be honest I was truly contemplating it but then I realized that I would never have enough time to get there by 6:30 pm since I work pretty far away from the theater. ;-) Hahaha well also because I own the other two. Moving on, I find the screening I want and then I had the option to select my own seat or get the best one they had, but I didn't trust the computer knowing what I considered the best so I opted to choose my own seat.

This is where it got serious, the moment I clicked "choose your own seat" a little timer popped up and said I had three minutes to complete the transaction or my order would not be completed! I swear I could hear the mission impossible music playing in my head! The screen took forever to load and once it did I saw that there were only 6 seats to choose from, 6!!!! Oh man what do I do?! So I looked for a few seconds and finally decided on what I thought to be the best of the 6! Once I picked my seat I only had one minute and twenty-two seconds left and I still had to enter my credit card info! Man it was a nail biter but at forty-five seconds remaining my order was completed, so on Tuesday June 29th at 12:01 am (technically Wednesday) I will be sitting in Row I, Seat 9 enjoying the third installment of the oh so fantastic Twilight Saga! Ahhh it really feels good knowing I have a secure seat, and please believe that if anyone is sitting in Row I, Seat 9 they will be forced to get up and movie it along!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Intro to Chi in LA

Well Hello everyone! I know that a few of you may have seen on my FB that I was going to start this blog, so here it first entry. I decided that I would start this blog seeing as how as of July 9th I will be living out here in LA for one year. Wow, that is pretty crazy to think that it really has been a whole year. Let me start by telling you what this Blog will be about, my plan so far is to share some funny stories of things that have happened out here and also talk about some pretty great things I've done since I've been out here. Most of you all know this already but this is my first time I have ever lived away from my family and it has been quite the adventure. I still miss Chicago everyday and my family and friends too of course, but it is a pretty great feeling to be totally on your own and out of your comfort zone.

This brings me to my Blog's name, I chose Chi in LA because I think calling Chicago "The Chi" is a great little nick name and it is a bit of a play in the actual word shy. As again most of you know I am not a shy person at all, but living out here has made me have to essentially start new which has actually believe it or not made me a little shy! I have gotten much better, but the first few months I felt like I was forcing myself into situations to make friends fast and then I would get all shy and weird. Needless to say it was quite awkward for a bit.

So here is your part, I want feedback from you guys. I may be writing some stuff that I am thinking of directing or writing into a screenplay at some point and I want to know what you guys think. So this entry obviously isn't one that you need to give feedback on, but feel free to if the mood strikes :-) I am really looking forward to writing and getting all of these little stories out there into the universe.

To end this entry I want to wish all of you well and tell you all that you mean so much to me and for those of you I only get to see for the holiday's now, I miss you guys so much and know that you are all out here with me.

Happy reading everyone
