Monday, June 28, 2010

Hello everyone. So taking a few suggestions I have changed the design of my blog. I hope this one is easier to read, I think it is a pretty cute background. So here I am sitting at my desk in my room typing away as I hear my neighbors from across the way singing "Jingle Bells" quite loudly with their whiny crying little boy. Now you all know that I love kids, but this kid cries all the time and he is quite spoiled it sounds like. Since I have never met the little boy I can't say whether or not he is spoiled. What I can say though is that he yells and screams for things and his parents always give him what he screams for.

Moving on I would like to tell you about something pretty cool that happened at work today.......Jacob from LOST was there waiting to read for a new show. It was funny because he looked just like a normal guy (a really attractive normal guy) applying for a job essentially. Ha, that even looks funny typed out! We just moved to a new building for work and it is a building that also houses some shows of J.J. Abram's post production, which I have to admit is pretty cool! ALSO, ALSO Larry David works out of the building for Curb Your Enthusiasm!!!! Needless to say I am a bit excited to possibly run into some people.....What's funny is that I live in LA and I am terrible with actor's names, so I see a lot of actors and most of the time I'll say something like; "Hey that's that girl from that movie or that show with that other guy, you know the one on FOX, I think." Ha!

There is one person that I met that I actually talked to and didn't know his real name until I got to work. Some of you may know this story, but not all of you do so here it is. I was only out here for about a month, and I still didn't have my car so I was taking the bus (the buses are a whole other story!!!) so I was waiting for the bus and I had realized that I had about a half hour more to wait so I went to the Coffee Bean for a coffee. Once I walked in I was met with a huge line, and at first I thought I would just leave but I said eh what the hell I have a half hour!

There I was waiting in this line when I realized the man in front of me was tall, with dirty blond hair, and was very well built, in other words I thought he was a good looking guy. Once I thought that I giggled a little to myself realizing that I had decided this man in front of me was attractive and I didn't even see the front of him! So I moved out of line a little and glanced around so that I could catch a glimpse of him, well I did and I immediately got back in my place and thought Holy crap that's an actor, that's that guy! Oh god what is his name?? What is it, what is it, what is it??? Ahhhh think, think. Now as I am thinking all of this we are moving closer to the counter.

Just as I was in the middle of a total mind search, he turned around and looked at something behind me up against the wall and I knew it, I knew for sure he was the guy I was thinking, then all of his character's in his movies came flooding into my brain! Thank You for Smoking, No Reservations, and THE BIG ONE!!!! THE DARK KNIGHT! It was friggin Harvey Dent...Two Face...standing right there in front of me, but what is his real name!!?? Ok at this point there was like two or three people in front of him and I decided that it was now or never. So, I went in and I did it. I leaned in and I said: Excuse me, but you played a great Two Face Mr. Dent. He turned around, looked at me for a second and this big smile came across his face and he said: Uh thanks I immediately started giggling and said: You're welcome.

Now this part is the best! He said: So are you here for school? (We were about a half a block away from UCLA) I said all with a HUGE smile: No, I work out here, giggle, giggle. He said: Oh ok, so where are you from, I hear an accent. Me with a bigger smile and while giggling: Uh I'm from Chicago. Him: Oh, that's a great city (with a cute smile at the end) Me: Giggle, Yeah, the best city! giggle, giggle. (At this point I am totally freaking out because I can't believe he is having a conversation with me!!!) So he smiles at me after my answer and he is now the next person to order. He asks me: So are you getting a coffee?

Here is where I wish I had said something funny to really make him laugh like "No, I'm gonna get a cheeseburger" But I didn't I said still huge smile and while giggling: Uh yeah uhuh. He said: Well let me get it for you because that was the best way anybody ever approached me. Me totally stunned: Oh uh you don't have to. Him: Yeah no problem, what would you like? Me: Uh cafe Mocha? So he gets OUR coffees and hands me mine and says: Here you go, hope you have a good day and that LA treats you well (wink) Me: Giggle, giggle, thank you, thank you very much.

At this point people in the Coffee Bean were noticing who he was and looking and smiling and whispering and I swear I heard this (though it could have been all in my head) but somebody said, "Who is she?!" Ha! Who am I? I loved it! I was standing there near the entrance just frozen from what had happened with this huge dorky smile across my face!

I am convinced that when he got to wherever he was going next he told his people that he spoke with and bought a coffee for the sweetest little "special needs" girl he had ever met. The most ridiculous part of this was that even after it all I didn't know his real name!!! I had to look him up on IMDB the minute I got to work to find out it was Aaron Eckhart! I of course told everyone at work the story and they were all basically saying that happens a lot out here. Crazy!

So what's the moral of the story? Say hi, tell them you dig their movies or their show, because guess what? They wouldn't be famous or huge if it weren't for us, their fans! Now this doesn't mean I think you should stalk them or interrupt them if they are on their phone or in the middle of eating, but if they are in a line to get a coffee by all means, lean in ;-)
