Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hello, hello there everyone. It has been a few days and actually a lot has happened! The best thing I have to say though happened yesterday as I was exiting the Trader Joe's on Olympic. There I was all done and walking out with my bags of groceries, my sunglasses were on my head so my hair was totally pulled back and as I was walking out I noticed a guy walking in wearing funky sweatpants and an bright orange t-shirt. I look up to his face and realize that this oddly dressed man is none other then John Malkovich! Yep that's right "Lenny" was entering the store that I was just in. I looked at him with giant eyes and shock smiling and searching my brain for the words "hello, or hi, or hey it's you..." But as usual nothing, not a single word just a crazy friggin face and he looks straight at me and says "Yeah I know." And smiles. Then I look back at him and giggle and still just stare! Then he says to me!!!!! " You know young lady you have beautiful eyes." All I could do was thank him and continue to smile and giggle. So he smiles and continues to enter the store and I continue my way out. I called my brother soon after to tell him who I just saw and he asked me if I said my favorite line of his to him from Burn After Reading; "What the F**k!" HA! Now that would have been hilarious, I would never have said it but I wonder on the off chance that I had, what he'd have done! I'm sure he would be shocked but I wonder if he would have laughed and enjoyed it, or if he would just be shocked and upset and thought I was crazy!

Wow, I still really can't believe it happened. I mean it was John Malkovich and he really looked just as crazy as he seems, but sooooo cool! And he was complimenting ME!? Wild! I am starting to think that these star sightings of mine are a little insane, I mean I am meeting some pretty great stars and actually having somewhat of conversations with them! I even met and talked to Christian Slater while at the movies with my friend Tim! We were watching Michael Jackson's "This is It" and he was there with his SUPER hot girlfriend and after the movie ended he was singing along to the music in the credits! Tim was the one to spot him and pointed him out to me and I said I was going to stop and say hi, because as you know from one of my previous entries I think it is totally fine to approach stars because we make them stars! So anyway back to Christian, as Tim and I were walking out I stopped and went up to him and excused myself and said that had a great cameo on Curb Your Enthusiasm and that I must have watched Heathers like a hundred times! He thanked me very sweetly and smiled and shook my hand.

I have to say that I have these little fantasies that I will get to a point in my career where people will notice me one day and approach me. I will hopefully think back tho these moments of mine and actually have conversations with my fans so that maybe I can give them as fun an experience as these stars have given me! Ok....that was my cheesy moment, don't hold it against me ok!

Totally unrelated to the above, there was a 5.4 earthquake today that shook the building I work in for close to a minute! ( well maybe not a minute but it definitely shook the longest I have felt out of the 3 total I have felt now ) It was wild, I was talking to a girl next to me and had my back to the girl on the other side and I thought she was shaking my chair to get my attention but then people all over the office were saying they were feeling something! People were coming out of their offices and coming by and there was a little commotion in the office because of it. Well I made the mistake of watching the news when I got home for way too long and heard scientists saying stuff like this is leading up to a big one, and ones saying that there are many more to come soon! I am hoping that they are all wrong, and my roommate is right when she heard that having these small ones is relieving the pressure so that there isn't one HUGE one!

Ok so this blog entry was a little bit all over the place, but I just thought I would let you all know what has been happening on the West Coast the past couple days for yours truly! Ok, so sleep well and I will blog more soon :-)


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