Saturday, July 17, 2010

And so it Begins...

Hello there, so I know that technically I was supposed to write a new blog last night but I was just too exhausted! Booo, I know bad excuse, terrible excuse, but it is the truth :-( I think I will start with last Friday July 9th, it was my one year anniversary of living out here and I decided to celebrate with some of my new friends and some of my old friends. We all went to a 24 hour diner in Hollywood called K24 I love the place, the food is great, they serve liquor and their milkshakes are ridiculous. The one bad thing is that the parking around there is almost non-existent! Some of the people that I invited circled the blocks for a while and never made it in which I felt terrible about :-( But a great group did make it and we had a blast! I honestly can't believe that I have officially been out here for a whole year, time flies by the older you get, I used to hear that all the time and thought noway, it won't FLY by, but yep it really does just fly right by!

So this week I worked on a play with my friend Becky and it was quite a hit! It was a series of four One Act Horror plays, it was just a preview which meant it only ran for three days, but we had such a great response to it that they are trying to set it up to show again in October. They are also looking for more plays to show, so if you know of any Creepy, spooky, strange, horror one act plays let me know or look into at: Here is the link to a pretty great review that the play got.

I think possibly the best part of working on this play was that it gave me a little more of a nudge to try my hand at some acting. I am looking into getting into some improv work or sketch comedy, I am even considering possibly doing some stand up...maybe! ( Sorry Becky, if you read this, I have to take baby steps OK! hehe ) Anyway That is going to be my next new adventure that I plan to keep you all updated on as it unfolds. So that's what's going on on my end here in SoCal! It still sounds better to say The Chi ;-) Though I can get used to this weather out here! The winters are never colder then the mid to low 50's at night, and the Summer's have no humidity! It is so nice to not walk outside of my apartment and begin to melt instantly and have my hair get all crazy and frizzy! Oh and don't get me started on being so close to the Ocean! It never stops taking my breath away as I approach the beach to lay out in the sun and I pass through the palm trees and see the waves crashing, it is just too gorgeous.

I think that I am going to go see Day and Knight tomorrow in the morning so that I can get in for half price and since nobody out here wants to see it with me! I like big Summer Blockbusters, yeah that's right I do! They are fun and exciting and entertaining, just what they are supposed to be! I mean don't get me wrong I know that it isn't going to be artistically a well done movie, but it will entertain me which is exactly what I want out of it. I know that some of my film making friends don't like to see this type of movie because they are sell out films, but I don't discriminate, I like to see all ranges of movies from good, bad, artsy, foreign, independent, to goofy-off the wall ridiculous! I think you need to see all types of movies so that you can appreciate a great film when you see it. That is a whole other Blog though, that I will have to work on, because I have a lot to say about movies, which I am sure most of you all know that about me! :-) OK so stay tuned and check back in tomorrow night to catch another well rounded Blog about what is happening around here!


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